Maintenance & Restoration of sculpture and architectural detailing

Sculptures and other three dimensional work need maintenance to preserve their beauty and integrity. This might involve simply cleaning and re waxing. More severe degradation of the surface might require repatination and possibly repairs or complete restoration. We use established techniques respecting the integrity of the original artistry. We use a minimun impact approach to restoration avoiding the use of severe and harsh chemicals that could damage the original.




Statues, monuments and Architectural elements might have most of their original patina intact beneath layers of build up and dirt.
Cleaning and restoration may be necessary when some areas of patina have deteriorated to a greater extent than others.
To prevent the element from looking patchy, we do the necessary amount of re-patination to reestablish the sculpture's original


Although bronzes will survive many thousands of years they will require a maintenance schedule. Often this is an annual clean and protective waxing to preserve the patina, the casting, and allow the metal to age consistently.  

We provide this service but will also gladly train the customers maintenance crews in the ongoing care of any sculpture if desired.



We deal with all kinds of sculpture and monument repairs, from breakages, missing components, to the rectifying of structural faults.
If parts of a statue need to be re-made or replaced, we can make and cast replicas identical to the original articles in our foundry.